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Sebastopol Bluffs


Sebastopol Bluffs are located in close proximity to the NZAC Unwin Lodge. Most of the best quality lines are the bolted slab routes; the quality of rock on the crack climbs can be variable. The best place to start and orient yourself with the crag is the Twin Cracks Wall.
Alpine Guides have produced a brochure which is a helpful source of information, available from Alpine guides at the Mt Cook village. It is quite old now and many routes are not included.
Other crags in the vicinity - Kowhai Crag, Unwin Crag, and Shakey Town have been included under Sebastopol so that climbers visiting the area don't miss them.

15 min
North East
POINT (170.11363 -43.754131)
BY15 676 514

The cliffs are located on the west side of state highway 80, between Unwin Lodge and Mount Cook Village.
Specific directions are under each crag if appropriate.
For most of the Sebastopol climbs cross the Black Birch Stream bridge and park at the 3rd pull out on the left after leaving Unwin Lodge (approx 1km). There is a DoC sign there and the main track starts from there, leads across the river bed then splits in various directions.
Alternatively it's about 10-15 mins flat walk from Unwin along the old 4Wd track. This may be impassable after heavy rain.
Sometime before June 2020 there was a large rock fall off the back of Magic Messiah and down the access route to the Orange Wall demolishing the lower hand lines. Some rockfall continued down the gully towards Twin Cracks and some jumped the ridge and went across the traverse track to Javelin Wall. Some of these hand lines were a little munted as are trees they were attached to but have been replaced.

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Type Name
Sector Kowhai Crag
Sector Sawyer's Crag
Sector Unwin Crag
Sector Waterfall Wall
Sector Javelin Wall
Sector Crimea Wall
Sector Orange Wall
Crag Central Crags
Sector Red Wall
Sector Grey Wall
Sector Kingfisher Slabs
Sector Poo Pond Crag
Sector Village Peoples Crag
Sector Shakey Town
Sector High right aretes


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