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michael_s commented This is on private property… on Alpine route From Matukituki River.
Gomez updated Alpine route Shooting Thar.
aidanthedirtbag updated Rock route Fire and Ice.
aidanthedirtbag updated Ice/Mixed route ..
aidanthedirtbag reordered places/routes on Sector Tascmaster Wall.
aidanthedirtbag updated Ice/Mixed route Abra Abra Camdabra.
aidanthedirtbag added Ice/Mixed route Abra Abra Camdabra.
aidanthedirtbag added Ice/Mixed route Wednesday's Climb.
aidanthedirtbag added Ice/Mixed route All Gear and No Idea.
Peter Dickson updated Alpine route Logan’s Run.
Peter Dickson updated Alpine route Bowie Ridge.
Peter Dickson updated Alpine route Bowie Ridge.
Richard Thomson updated Alpine route Bowie Ridge.
Richard Thomson updated Crag Waipapa Dam.
Richard Thomson updated Crag Waipapa Dam.
Richard Thomson updated Sector Lakeside Wall.
Richard Thomson reordered places/routes on Sector Isolation Walls.
Richard Thomson added Rock route Party Party.
Richard Thomson added Rock route Another Roadside Attraction.
Richard Thomson added Rock route Pocky Horrow Show.
Richard Thomson updated Sector Black Scorpion Corner.
Richard Thomson updated Sector Isolation Walls.
Gomez updated Alpine route Mechanical Failure.
Gomez reordered places/routes on Face The Mate's Little Brother.
Gomez updated Alpine route Mystic Sister.
Gomez updated Alpine route Mystic Sister.
Gomez updated Alpine route Mystic Sister.
cragrat commented Maybe you could rebolt it… on Sector Gill's Bivvy Slabs.
Gomez added Alpine route Mystic Sister.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain O’Leary Pk.
Richard Thomson updated Alpine route East Face.
Richard Thomson updated Alpine route North Face.
Richard Thomson updated Alpine route East Face.
Richard Thomson updated Alpine route North Face.
Richard Thomson commented Amended to reflect the new… on Alpine route North Ridge.
Richard Thomson updated Alpine route North Ridge.
Richard Thomson reordered places/routes on Area Ōhau Landsborough.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Mt Hawkins Te Waireika.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Mathers Pk.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Mt Matheson.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Mt Stratford.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain McGloin Pk.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Shattered Pk.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Weary Summit.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Eureka.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Rough Ridge.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Mt McCullaugh.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Lantern Pk.
Richard Thomson updated Mountain Mt Townsend.
Richard Thomson updated Pass Karangarua Saddle.