Reference | Title | Grade | Length | Pro | Quality | Alert | Operations |
1 | 1McGregor McGregor Terpstra, 16 | 16 | 120m | ||||
First corner to right of slabs on Homer Ridge step. Follow a shallow groove just right of the ridge. Climb corner past bulge at 13m, over a small overlap and into a scoop at 30m. Layback on a small rib to the right to a second scoop just above. Belay (or continue up right to a sloping ledge below an overhang.) The crack system branches here.
Take the right branch and climb to sloping ledge below an overhang. Climb the overhang, then traverse left across a slab (crux, 16) to gain a spike in the lefthand crack. Climb the groove above (poorly protected for the first 25m) to a largish sloping grassy ledge.
Continue up the groove until faced with a blankish slab. Traverse a short distance left to beneath a small bulge. Make an awkward pull-up over the bulge (16) then continue up easy slab above trending right over a rounded rib to a groove and belay ledge/foothold. Unrope at pedestal top a few metres further up. Descend by downclimbing or abseiling Homer Ridge. |
2 | 2Keas and Car Thieves, 18 | 18 | 130m | ||||
Start below the groove left of Strobe Light and follow an easy ramp to the bottom of the groove. Climb the groove, first left then right to belay at a patch of grass.
Follow the easy ramp left until just before the groove on McGregor route. Go directly up the wall above, first right then left. Belay in the groove on MMT below two parallel grooves.
Follow right groove until it ends, then directly up slab to easy ground. |
3 | 3Strobe Light, 21 | 21 | 140m | ||||
The large right to left crack system on the left of the Diamond Face. Scramble 15-20m up ledges to start. Follow initial crack, then step left to a delicate traverse below corner before regaining left-tending crack.
Move up, taking either of the two right-tending cracks.
Continue up through obvious crack system.
Scramble over to the slabs on the northern slopes. |
4 | 4Rough Diamond, 21 | 21 | 117m | ||||
Up easy diagonal slabs to a bolt, which signals the start of the route. Gain crack system on right of bolt. Follow for 20m before moving right five metres to hidden anchors.
Moves up past four bolts and rap anchors to belay out left.
After second bolt go right to a layaway flake, up then back left to clip third bolt.
Follow crack through overlap then head straight up and left. Avoid belaying on rap bolt, but move higher onto broken ledges.
Follow line up slabby rib, moving right after fifth bolt. |
5 | 5Uncut Gem, 21 | 21 | 0m | ||||
A variation of Rough Diamond, joining it at the third pitch. Climb initial RD crack for 20m but then continue up instead of stepping right.
Follow grooves and corners before trending right rejoining Rough Diamond. |
6 | 6Garden Trowel Route, 19 | 19 | 120m | ||||
The line tackles the steep overlaps on the lower right side of the Diamond Face before moving up a steep wall to the start of the Bowen Allan corner. Follow an initial left facing corner in the centre of the overlaps passing to the left of a prominent horn, moving back right along a weakness then up to a shallow groove and belay.
Follow right-hand corner onto a steep and eerie ramp that leads to a 15m face; head for a body size groove then great fist jamming out and over the bulge. Step right for belay under roofs.
Move up and right into V groove for 10m, then trend right on broken ground to the base of the Bowen Allan Corner. |
7 | 7Garden Trowel Direct, 21 | 21 | 162m | ||||
The original line has been straightened out by taking a direct start to the right of the original corners and finishing up a beautiful prow on the right side of the Diamond Face. One of the cleanest and most sustained routes on the Mate. Scramble up right-tending ramp towards the right side of the overlaps. Work your way through overlaps to a steep left-tending crack, then right onto ledge and spike belay. The move into the steep left-trending corner is very committing and can be avoided by stepping round to the left.
Move right for five metres to the base of a steep face. Climb the face to meet the second pitch of the GTR.
Move up and right into V-groove for 15m, then trend left along a ramp, scrambling as high as possible until the last headwall is gained.
Climb cracks splitting the centre of a prow then right to slabby country and fine crystalline climbing.
Move up and right to small notch and ramp system leading to descent route. |
8 | 8Brain Dynamics, 24 | 24 | 90m | 4 |
A two pitch variation to the Garden Trowel Route, tackling the steep wall and overlap directly above the first pitch. Pitch one as for GTR. Belay on slab at base of Diamond Face; single bolt augments natural pro belay. Follow an initial left facing corner in the centre of the overlaps passing to the left of a prominent horn, moving back right along a weakness then up to a shallow groove and belay.
Take highest ramp on right until bridging the large corner. Clip bolt on face and move left into hand crack and up past flakes to bolt belay.
Tackle flake directly above belay before moving up and rightwards past two bolts into corner below roof. Bridge the corner and clip the bolt overhead before moving leftwards along the line of the roof. Exit up parallel cracks to bolt belay on large block below the prow of GTD. Immaculate rock. |
9 | 9Snake Gully, 18 | 18 | 0m | ||||
Three pitches. 16, 18, 16. Start on the grassy slabs to the right of the Diamond Face and follow slabs trending up and right to the base of the Bowen Allan Corner. Good climbing on pitches two and three. |
10 | 10Bowen Allan Corner, 17 | 17 | 305m | ||||
A Darrans classic due to the combination of slabs and tussock low down, and stupendous crack and corner climbing higher on the face.
Starting on the right-hand end of the slabs, climb the first left-facing corner system to a large spike belay (slings can usually be seen from the ground).
Step left and up a weakness to the first grassy ledge system. Right along this for ten metres until a left-tending corner can be climbed to a belay.
Continue up, tending left to gain a narrow horizontal ledge that leads leftwards across the face.
Traverse easily left along ledge and belay before ledge turns into slabs.
Traverse left across slabs (initially down before up and left) to grassy ledge and stance below groove/left facing corner.
Up corner then left across slabs, tricky moves lead to base of Bowen Allan corner.
Climb corner to belay under large roof.
Climb the roof through the crack (best) or turn it via the face on the right, onto slab above and then up awkward flaring chimney. Finish up crack on right or escape out left. There are three alternative finishes to the Bowen Allan Corner, all of which take lines up the beautiful grey slab: the crack on the left, Geoff's Crack, 17; Between the Lines, 18, which takes the wall between the cracks and contains two bolts; and the Hugh Widdowson Crack, 18. |