- P1
- 20
- 40m
- Trad
The original line has been straightened out by taking a direct start to the right of the original corners and finishing up a beautiful prow on the right side of the Diamond Face. One of the cleanest and most sustained routes on the Mate. Scramble up right-tending ramp towards the right side of the overlaps. Work your way through overlaps to a steep left-tending crack, then right onto ledge and spike belay. The move into the steep left-trending corner is very committing and can be avoided by stepping round to the left.
- P2
- 21
- 45m
- Trad
Move right for five metres to the base of a steep face. Climb the face to meet the second pitch of the GTR.
- P3
- 17
- 35m
- Trad
Move up and right into V-groove for 15m, then trend left along a ramp, scrambling as high as possible until the last headwall is gained.
- P4
- 19
- 30m
- Trad
Climb cracks splitting the centre of a prow then right to slabby country and fine crystalline climbing.
- P5
- 15
- 12m
- Trad
Move up and right to small notch and ramp system leading to descent route.