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Mt Liverpool

Part of


POINT (168.6261331 -44.43397837)
CA10 519 706
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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Operations
 From Dart Glacier, 2,II 2,II 0m

This route gives access to the upper basin of the Dart Glacier, where easy crevassed slopes lead up to the peak. The once easy slopes immediately east of the icefall are now generally impassable due to glacial recession. The route to the west of the icefall ascends an avalanche gully until level with a broad ledge which is reached by traversing across steep shingle. This route is threatened by avalanche in early summer. The icefall has been descended on skis in winter during the early 1990s but that may have been an exception. From Cascade Saddle Route is a much more direct approach to Liverpool.

  • P1
  • Alpine (Technical) 2
  • Alpine (Commitment) II

 North Ridge, II,3 II,3 0m

The North Ridge rises abruptly from Arawhata Saddle in two large steps. The lower one appears to be a relatively broad buttress which might best be climbed on the west side. The second however appears to involve a narrow and exposed section of ridge above the second step the angle of the ridge eases and the remainder of the climb appears relatively straightforward on the snow slopes or rock slabs west of the ridge crest before a short rock pitch at the top.

  • P1
  • Alpine (Commitment) II
  • Alpine (Mt Cook) 3

 West Face, 2,II 2,II 0m

From Arawata Saddle move south through ledge systems before gaining steep gullies and loose rock below the summit ridge. Climbed from a bivvy below Arawata Saddle. 7 hours return.

  • P1
  • Alpine (Technical) 2
  • Alpine (Commitment) II

Allan Uren & John Cocks