- P1
- 16
- 30m
- Trad
Nine pitches. 16, 18, 14, 17, 18, 16, 16. Good free-climbing up the buttress to the right of the TV Route for three pitches then up the slab on the TV Route for two pitches. Finally break left up a steep crack system; the headwall has some amazing rock. Climb the slab and right facing shallow corner to belay at bottom of left facing prominent corner.
- P2
- 18
- 40m
- Trad
Climb left facing corner on good gear. Continue up right to belay stance at base of slabs.
- P3
- 14
- 25m
- Trad
Move right and up to belay just around prominent right-hand skyline.
- P4
- 17
- 30m
- Trad
Right and up following laid back crack/corner system. Belay where corner steepens and narrows above.
- P5
- 18
- 30m
- Trad
Move left and up into wide corner/weakness. Continue up and left over slight bulge to belay at small stance on skyline arête.
- P6
- 16
- 50m
- Trad
Move right the follow left trending shallow corner.
- P7
- 16
- 40m
- Trad
Up 10m then trend left towards easier ground follow a fantastic series of flakes and cracks.
- P8
- Trad
Scramble up easier ground.