First ascent
Hugh Van Noorden, Anton Wopereis, July 1984
Located on
Topo ref
- P1
- Alpine (Commitment) IV
- Alpine (Technical) 3
- 450m
The first prominent ice gully on the left looking up Cirque Creek, take the right trending line at half height to the edge, up and traverse slabs back left to the main gully above the bulge. Finish on the high terrace, nine pitches.
Thanks Simon. I've had my first go at editing. :-)
" ...take the left-hand fork at half height..." thats not how I would have described it. Anton and I trended right eventually to a short arete, where my axe pick self destructed, then back left across slabby thin ground (very thin with one tool) to the main gully line. Anton lead the rest and sent his hammer back for me to use.
In reply to " ...take the left-hand fork… by hughvn
Hugh it's a Wiki so you can edit it. If the description and or topo line are wrong you can edit - esp since you did the F.A Maybe if you have a photo of the route at the time you can draw a line.... Obviously the Guidebook editors need to know of errors.