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South East Buttress

Natural pro required
First ascent
Bill Atkinson, Rick McGregor, Judy Terpstra, 1975.
Located on

  • P1
  • 16
  • Trad

A beautiful line up the dramatic buttress. Traverse left along a prominent ledge from the ridge and climb the buttress direct: four pitches. It is possible to rappel the route back to the ledges.


Rick McGregor's notes from the first ascent:
SE Buttress of Sentinel [First ascent Feb. 1975]
Scrambling (4th class) along ledge to get onto the buttress
1. Bill led up a groove to the left of the buttress (easy)
2. I led up a steep wall with cracks (fingers and hand jams) round right to groove, mantel onto foothold. Up on jams, up groove and round right onto the rib where the wall steepens. Sloping belay ledge. (Severe/gr. 15 for a while). Fantastic climbing on good rock.
3. Bill led on up the rib, round right on loose blocks, up a groove and out right up an exposed 5 ft wall to belay.
4. 20 ft scramble to ridge.
Total of 4 hours climbing.
First ascent: Bill Atkinson, Rick McGregor (alternating leads), Judith Terpstra, 1/2/75

Mon, 15/07/2024 - 01:24 Permalink

FA: 1 February 1975.
1st pitch: Easy groove left of buttress; 2nd pitch: Steep wall and cracks round right to groove and then right onto the rib. Continue up the rib (crux) to a sloping belay; 3rd pitch: Continue up the rib, round right over blocks, up groove and out right up exposed 2 m wall; 4th pitch: Short scramble up to ridge.

Wed, 28/12/2016 - 07:22 Permalink