6p, 200m, 25 mainly natural pro, all anchors DBB
Follow the Gertrude Saddle track uphill for 100m past the main stream crossing. When the track heads left at a prominent pyramid boulder continue up the vegetated scree ridge skirting low angle slabs on the left. Scramble up to the base of the wall directly below the prominent triangle face. 60-90mins.
See topo map attached for details.
Recommend 2x 60m ropes. A 55m abseil from the top of P5 to the top of P3 is recommended. Take care for blocks on ledges
- P1
- 18
- 35m
- 2
- Trad
Scramble up to left trending ramp past 2B and gear around corner to DBB
- P2
- 19
- 40m
- 3
- Trad
Up corner, through overlaps then trending left and up. 3B.
- P3
- 18
- 40m
- 2
- Trad
Steep face with 2B to grassy ledge and mantle into corners, left of the Finger of Doom, then wide crack to hanging belay.
- P4
- 20
- 20m
- 1
- Trad
Clip bolt and fire up offwidth and right trending crack with good jams, then carefully up corner to large ledge.
- P5
- 25
- 35m
- 12
Right from belay, chimney up to first bolt. Technical face climbing steepens to wild pulls between huge jugs to top of overhang.
- P6
- 19
- 30m
- 3
- Trad
Rock over onto slab and up to first bolt, around corner and up slab on beautiful rock tending right past two more bolts and gear.