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Cowards Cove

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An immaculate W facing wall with a ledge and obvious crack at the top. Some sport routes with DBA and routes with no bolts, Looking L to R (oppiste to approach)

25 min

After 10/15 minutes walk from turn off from main track, you will go up step bank after a vague creek. look for a spiked cairn to W. 5 minute easy descent into the cove. Well above the swell. Look for immaculate W facing wall with a ledge and obvious crack at the top. This is White Feather Buttress.
This wall is 2m walk north of “The Prow”
The track along the southern cliffs is very over grown, wear long pants

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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Operations
 Olive Branch, 21 21 4

  • P1
  • 21
  • 4

 White Feather, 23 23 4

  • P1
  • 23
  • 4

conceived and bolted by Nick and then donated to John Entwisle

 Yellow Belly, 25 25 4

  • P1
  • 25
  • 4

 Crabwise, 20 20 20m

Hand Traverse girdle, not Charlestons first and it won’t be the last.

  • P1
  • 20
  • 20m
  • Trad

Start around the corner of the arête. climb up cracks, past a good cam and then left to the diagonal crack. Follow this all the way left to the Yellow Belly anchors, then climb the steep hand crack to the top of the wall. 2x 0.4-0.75 1x 1,2,3,4

 Gaga's Bolted the Crack, 19 19 4

  • P1
  • 19
  • 4

On the S side of the cove hanging over the sea is a striking off-width crack with a tempting steep wall on its R. Scramble carefully down to the jammed boulders at the foot of the crack and get a belay before starting:- Climb the wall to gain the crack, then layback or thrutch up this to anchor blocks with an easy walk off.

Llewellyn Murdoch, John Entwisle & mojozone