The Feb 22nd Earthquake has caused major damage at the crag! There has been a few rockfalls. A few new routes have resurfaced in the scars.
Information by Lindsay Main & Previously hosted on website by John Davis
The biggest crag of the Sisters.
Occasionally gets the afternoon sun.
Find the track between Twisted and Middle Sister and decend through the bush
Reference | Title | Grade | Length | Pro | Quality | Alert | Operations |
Unnamed, 23 | 23 | 7m | 2 |
The short sport route at the left end of the crag
Anti-Tantie, 25 | 25 | 3 |
bouldery cruz at 2nd bolt. |
Gold Soundz, 24 | 24 | 12m | 2 |
The rounded arete.
SO | SOShort Order, 16 | 16 | 8m | ||||
A right facing corner on the left of the cliff. Good climbing, crux at top. A right facing corner on the left of the cliff. Good climbing, crux at top. |
Desert Solitaire, 21 | 21 | 8m | 1 |
The smooth arete just R of Short Order. Pro from Short Order and a bolt. Friction, tricky. Brian Fish '81 |
Caley, 23 | 23 | 8m | 1 |
The open corner with one bolt Ton Snelder '90 |
Penal Rates, 22 | 22 | 22m | 4 |
The next arete. Start in the corner of A Bridge Too Far and delicately balance L across to the arete, then up. Two bolts, natural pro at the top. Bolt/chain belay. Lindsay Main '90 |
Rib Eye, 21 | 21 | 4 |
Start at the undercut arête left of A Bridge Too Far climb the rib to the
B2F | B2FA Bridge Too Far, 17 | 17 | 14m | ||||
The second corner to the R of SO. Jam and bridge past a rib. Lindsay Main '77 |
JW | JWJoggersauras Wrecked, 20 | 20 | 16m | ||||
Sart at VC, move left using flake. Then up wall on RH side of the crackto a
Volcanic Cafe, 19 | 19 | 16m | |||||
A crack with a roof at 2/3 height. Nip up to the roof and grapple with the rounded holds above. Joe Arts '90 |
CD | CDCorner Dearie, 17 | 17 | 16m | ||||
The corner left of MWG, crux at start then cruise up gear eating corner
MWG | MWGThe Monkey Wrench Gang, 22 | 22 | 16m | 3 |
A powerful route up the wall L of Judge and Jury. Starts in a small corner (natural pro), then up the headwall going L then R. Three bolts. Joe Arts '90 |
Lock & Key, 19 | 19 | 20m | 5 |
Starts on arete immediately left of prominent rockfall scar. Committing moves into the hanging corner. Head right towards DBA at the top. |
Grassic Gibbon, 22 | 22 | 20m | 6 |
Climbs wall to right of lock and key finishing at same lower off |
Sam's Squeeze, 10 | 10 | 18m | |||||
Chimney up behind big detached pillar, exit by squeezing up and right through chockstones to victory. Bit chossy but no doubt will clean up with traffic. |
NU | NUNasty & Unconstructive, 22 | 22 | 18m | 5 |
Just right of SM, up the seam through the overhang. 5 bolts. Uses top bolt of SM. Joe Arts '91 |
FP | FPFlight Path, 20 | 20 | 18m | ||||
the wall right of FoF, natural pro. Tony Burnell '99 |
Learning to Fly, 20 | 20 | 18m | 4 |
Start up EA. Move L after 2nd bolt onto arete, then pull over small bulge
EAS | EASEvasive Action, 18 | 18 | 25m | 4 |
Skirts the roofs. Up wall past a bolt to first roof and traverse R to the arete. Up past second bolt and into corner, up through notch to finish. Large CD at exit. Rebolted in '96. Lindsay Main '84
Second pitch to Evasive Action. Follow bolts up the arête to a chain anchor at the top. Joe Arts '94 |
DE | DEDelayed Effect, 17 | 17 | 25m | ||||
Follows the centre of three vague cracks, starting to the right and moving left (crux) to reach the crack. Poor pro at first. Finish up the overhanging corner on good holds. Lindsay Main '81 |
Afterglow, 18 | 18 | 22m | |||||
R of Delayed Effect. Bridge up groove (poor pro using D.E. crack further up) and up wall to arete (crux). Up over blocks to top. Lindsay Main '84 |
WO | WOWorking Overtime, 20 | 20 | 22m | 1 |
The arete R of A.. A technical testpiece. One bolt and small wires. Take CDs for the exit past bushes and up a corner. Lindsay Main '90 |
Taking Care of Business, 20 | 20 | 22m | |||||
Incipient crack between Working Overtime and Ball and Chain. Good pro from small wires. CDs at top. Exit as for W.O. Lindsay Main '90 |
BC | BCBall & Chain, 15 | 15 | 20m | ||||
A flaring narrow chimney with jams at the back; crux at the small tree. Not recommended. Lindsay Main '77 |
PA | PAPain in the Arts, 18 | 18 | 20m | 2 |
Arête left of Sharks' Nest. Start from loose block to bolt, and follow nice moves up right edge of arête past bolt 2 to an easy section. To do part two, womble left and take off up steep overhanging red face past horizontal breaks (CDs) and maybe a bolt. The finish is strenuous and committing. Marcus Thomas '95 |
SN | SNShark's Nest, 16 | 16 | 20m | ||||
A good climb. Climb a L-facing corner with small holds and poor pro, moving L after 8m to easy ground. Then climb the crack through a bulge. A good climb. Climb a L-facing corner with small holds and poor pro, moving L after 8m to easy ground. Then climb the crack through a bulge. |
PB | PBPrometheus Busted, 16 | 16 | 18m | ||||
Climb a short wall to a bulging jam crack (crux), then right to another crack and up to top. Lindsay Main '77 |
Eliminate 'A', 22 | 22 | ||||||
Takes a line up the wall crossing through ‘Prometheus Busted’. Start at
Bolt Revolt, 23 | 23 | 18m | |||||
the bold arete to the right of PB Tony Burnell '99 |
Grand Central Station, 10 | 10 | 12m | |||||
Obvoius crack , with a bit of vegitation.
Kuriuos Oranji, 23 | 23 | 12m | 2 |
On wall right of GCS though bulge.
Tangerine Scream, 22 | 22 | ||||||
Climbs the blunt arete to the left of ‘Clutching at Straws’, bold and
Clutching at Straws, 18 | 18 | 10m | |||||
On R side of cliff. Start up a R facing corner over a loose pillar. L onto a ledge on the arete, Then up slightly R over the bulge (crux). Adequate pro. Lindsay Main '84 |
Golden Delicious, 22 | 22 | 7m | 1 |
A short tricky climb on the Rh end of the crag
J&J | J&JJudge & Jury, 17 | 17 | 16m | ||||
Start in a L-facing black corner above a tree, then swing through the roof and jam the crack. |
FB | FBFrog buttress, 23 | 23 | 18m | 7 |
Start behind tree R of J&J through layaways then veering left to steepening
Jesse Owens, 19 | 19 | 18m | 1 |
Starts in an undercut corner/crack with grey rock. Power up past the bolt (crux), then move L to the cracked arete. Joe Arts '90 |
JOrhv | JOrhvJesse Owens Direct Finish, 19 | 19 | |||||
From the top of the initial groove step out right onto the top of the pedestal. Continue direct up the cracks above to the top of the crag. Move left to the belay bolt of Suicide Etc. Climbed on sight . |
FoF | FoFFear of Flying, 17 | 17 | 18m | ||||
An incipient crack leads to an impressive roof curving to the R. Climb the wall with no pro (16) and traverse R under the roof. |
SM | SMSuicide Machine, 23 | 23 | 18m | 3 |
Up the wall L of Fear of Flying past two bolts and somewhat to the L of a third bolt, then up the corner above (CDs). Joe Arts '90 |
Copied in & topo by Grant piper