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Makāwhio River


The Makāwhio is a narrow, long valley hemmed in by the Bare Rocky and Bannock Brae ranges. A difficult saddle at the head leads into the Troyte basin.
A rock bivvy between two side creeks is at BX14 373 587.

-43.685659,169.748751, NZ Topo Map

Highway to Misty Creek
Follow a road on the true left of the river to the bush edge, then boulder hop to 1km shy of the Jumbo confluence. From here, climb away from the river and sidle up valley, initially on open bush terraces, crossing the occasional rough gully through to Misty Creek.
Times: Highway to Greer Creek: 4–5 hrs; Greer Creek to Misty Creek: 7–8 hrs
Misty Creek to Relief Flat
Misty Creek to Relief Flat (BX14 409 559) is a mix of bush sidling and, if the river is low, boulder work.
Time: 5–6 hrs
Relief Flat to valley head
From Relief Flat, continue on the true left to Lakebed Flat (BX14 434 545). Cross to the true right at the head of the flats and find a route to climb out of the river and up under the base of the bluffs. Head, under the bluffs, before returning to the river at the 860m contour. Continue up the main river before again climbing out on the true right at BY14 457 534 to tussock, and sidle into the upper basin.
Time: 6–7 hrs

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