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South East Ridge

First ascent
Dick Irvin, Gerry Hall-Jones, Peter Robinson, Lloyd Warburton, 8 January 1956
Located on

From Turners Bivvy climb onto the Madeline Plateau. Either drop down towards the head of the Age Glacier and climb steep snow ramps to gain the ridge or, if crevassed or the snow is gone, cross the plateau to Turners Pass and traverse the ridge until a 30m drop to the snow at the base of the South East Ridge. The first rock buttress, crux 13, leads to a snow slope and the second rock step. Move out left onto a large rock slab and up to a snow ridge. The third step can be climbed directly, crux 14, or by skirting out to the left. Follow a long and often crevassed snow-slope to the summit. This is a long route and can require a bivvy on the descent.

  • P1
  • 14
  • Alpine (Technical) 3
  • Alpine (Commitment) III
