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Upper Left Cliff

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The cliff is divided into two distict sections seperated by a vegetated gully. The left buttress is the higher of the two, but largely crackless, while the right wall has many cracks and grooves.

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 Playing The Trumpet, 16 16

  • P1
  • 16
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Takes the first crackline right of the gully and is just right of an open yellow groove below a bush (there is a thin seam of red rock on the ledge at this point) Climb the V groove with crack. Near the top step R and up short corner crack.

 Armstrong, 17 17

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  • 17
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Just right is a second groove.

 Rootin’ Tootin’, 19 19

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  • 19
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R again is section with a large bulge, and a groove at its RH end. Climb short grooves below the righthand section of the bulge. At the bulge move up and R to the hanging groove/rib. Up this (crux), step L to small bush. Over sloping ledge and up short corner with wide crack.

 Trumpet Player’s Revenge, 16 16

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  • 16
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The route is some 15m to the R where a series of grooves leads to a steep upper section. An obvious feature is a split flake which forms a wide crack on this upper section. Start below this flake and clinb a groove to the flake. Move up and l into vegetated slot.

 All That Jazz, 19 19

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  • 19
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The deptive groove one metre right. Up groove, stepping R near the near the top of groove,. Onto stacked blocks with care, then up a short steep slot (crux) and past small skyline roof.

 Solid Gone, 13 13

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  • 13
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Around the corner there are bushes at cliff foot, and the cliff lies back in angle. Climb the LH side of this easier angled section following a groove with a vegetated finsih.

 Not Bad For A Trumpeter, 18 18

  • P1
  • 18
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At the RH end of the cliff is a short arete. Start in the recess L of this and climb the LH crack, moving left onto slab at the short steep cracked wall. Finish up higher corner.

Allan Hill.