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Poerua River


The Poerua is a remote and untracked valley that leaves the ranges through a very rugged gorge. Consequently, the upper valley is accessed over the Wilberg Range from the road. Creeks indicated below then lead down to the Wilberg branch of the Poerua River. This valley is sometimes combined with the ranges on either side to create wild and challenging transalpine trips that require good weather and skills. The Adams Range on the true left and the Wilberg Range on the true right meet at Mt Kensington, an outpost peak on the fringes of the Gardens, at the head of the valley.

-43.272206,170.586691, NZ Topo Map
BW17 042 061

Rātā Ridge access to Mt Ferguson and the Willberg tops
Turn off SH6 along Poerua Valley Road. Seek permission from the farmer here, (Keith McKenzie- NOW HIS SON) before continuing along a bulldozed road until overlooking Rata Creek, about 200m up from the river.
Cross the creek and pick up the old hunters track which climbs onto a terrace in the bush before heading up the spur on the true left of Rata Creek over pt 469m. The track is only intermittently maintained, and may not be found till some distance up the hill. This is a long climb to bushline, and in the top section the narrow ridge is a little overgrown with flax and scrub. The track finishes at bushline on the straight spur west of Mt Ferguson.
The tops offer good tussock travel over Mt Ferguson through occasional rock outcrops to the main Willberg Range at Pt 1665m. There are tarn campsites at Pt 1486m.
Time: Road to Mt Ferguson, 6 hrs.

Willberg River (North Poerua)
From the Poerua Junction, the Wilberg River can be traversed on river boulders and low bush sidles pretty much all the way to the North Poerua Glacier, crossing as required. The glacier then gives access to the Willberg Range overlooking Alpheus Creek.
Time: Allow about 3 hrs up to Exit Creek from the Poerua Junction and another 4 hrs up to the glacier in good conditions.

Exit Creek
The stream descending from Pt 1592m to the Willberg River was known as Exit Creek. An equally large tributary called Entrance Creek drains from Pt 1665m and joins Exit. Both branches can be used, neither is entirely easy. The true right branch (Exit) is reasonable travel on boulders most of the way down, and has a rock biv marked on an NZAC 1962 map at I34 142725 which also names the creeks.

Main Poerua River above the forks
There are gravel flats on both sides of the river at the Poerua–Willberg forks. Much of the travel upvalley can be done in the riverbed, but there are two relatively straightforward gorges to sidle.
Sidle the first one, beginning 300m above the forks, on the true right. The second begins at I35 140679, where the true left has been used but the true right may be better.
At the major intersection of three creeks, travel is easy again on river gravel in the branch described under 'Barlow Saddle'.
Time: Allow about 3 hrs from the Poerua–Wilberg forks to here.
See Barlow Saddle for access to the Adams Range and crossing to the Barlow.

Provides access to
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Yvonne Cook and Geoff Spearpoint,
in association with the Canterbury Mountaineering Club