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Moa Stream

-43.121911,171.300716, NZ Topo Map
BW19 618 242

Moa Stream
Travel is good along Moa Stream. In its lower reaches both sides provide generally good travel, but cross to the true right well before North Stream. A well-used pass at the head of Moa Stream, near
Pt 1896 metres, provides straightforward access to Boundary Basin.
To reach the North Mathias River avoid the lower gorged slopes of Boundary Creek by following the creek to the western edge of the basin and then traversing on scree and tussock slightly south-west. Cross the first side creek and continue across scree and above scrub to the second side creek, and follow this to the valley floor.

North Stream
North Stream is part of a tramping route linking Unknown and Moa Streams via Moa Saddle. Travel up the creek is generally a boulder-hop in the lower reaches and crosses tussock flats higher up.

Pukeko Stream
Travel is generally straightforward along Pukeko Stream, climbing up around a waterfall on the true left. The stream provides access to Cattle Basin and Mistake Creek via Excellent Saddle, and to Kiwi Stream via the easy saddle between Pt 1818 metres and Pt 1780 metres (this is incorrectly named Excellent Saddle on map sheets J34 and BW19), climbing out just before the waterfalls. The location of Excellent Saddle is shown correctly on map sheet NZMS 1 S65 (the now obsolete inch-to-the-mile maps), at c 1590 metres at the northern head of Cattle Basin.

Accessed from
Provides access to
Moa Saddle 1078m
Mt Williams 2300m
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Yvonne Cook and Geoff Spearpoint,
in association with the Canterbury Mountaineering Club