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Matukituki River

Provides access to
Black Pk 2289m
Buchanan Pks 2004m
End Pk 2100m
Fog Pk 2240m
Mt Alta 2339m
Niger Pk 2018m
Triple Pk 2203m
OPEN: Access is subject to conditions.
Updated 18 December 2024, by Richard Thomson.

To access climbs in the lower valley, before Raspberry Flat, ask the station managers for permission to cross farmland. Log in for contact details.

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The mountains above the lower Matukituki valley can sometimes peek out from behind the rain shadow of the greater alps and provide good scrambling when a mountain fix is desired. The lower valley climbs, apart from the winter waterfall routes, are mostly grade I or II requiring little more than an ice axe and crampons. Beware of loose rock.

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Provides access to
Black Pk 2289m
Buchanan Pks 2004m
End Pk 2100m
Fog Pk 2240m
Mt Alta 2339m
Niger Pk 2018m
Triple Pk 2203m
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Allan Uren & John Cocks