The Grey and Maud Glaciers are no longer joined at their snouts. Both have receded to the point where the terminal lake now separates them (NB map 260-I35, 1996, shows the Grey and Maud glaciers joined). The recession of these glaciers has made access more difficult – but not impossible.
If travelling from Eade Memorial Hut, traverse the west side of the terminal lake, west of Godley Hut, to the Grey Glacier. The icefall mid way up the Grey may prove to be impassable during summer. An alternative route could lie over Gordon Peak.
If travelling from Godley Hut two options are possible. 1) Follow the route described from Eade Memorial Hut. This will initially involve crossing the Godley River - beware - this may not be possible. 2) Cross the river that joins the two lakes below Godley Hut. Follow the isthmus to the Maud Glacier and then traverse over the toe of the ridge descending from Gordon Peak.
Grey Glacier
Part of
Provides access to
This place appears in
Alex Palman