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Rotund Boulder

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One of the best boulders at the Bronx with a good range of medium-difficulty problems.

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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Operations
 Rotund for Success, V4 V4

  • P1
  • Hueco V4

Start on the huge undercling. Pull on & follow a series of slopers up then left to the arête. A sweet little problem.

 Rotunder, V4 V4

  • P1
  • Hueco V4

Start as for Rotund For Success, but once through the bulge pull right into the crack & exit up the slab.

 Über Rotund, V7 V7

  • P1
  • Hueco V7

A quality low start to Rotund For Success. Start in the cave on a couple of sidepulls. Double take with the left hand to an edge adjacent to the starting undercling on Rotund For Success. Now finish up this.

 Über Alles, V8 V8

  • P1
  • Hueco V8

An eliminate but a tricky problem all the same. Start as for Uber Rotund, but from the good edge crank right (staying below the crack line) to some small flakes. Grab the good gaston edge & mount the bulge.

 Übermensch, V10 V10

  • P1
  • Hueco V10

‘Jerry’ start on the big undercling beneath the bulge. Slap around the bulge to the small flakes, and exit straight up (ie. the same exit moves as Uber Alles).

 Huck, V4 V4

  • P1
  • Hueco V4

Pull on using the obvious lightening bolt edge & another small edge, then campus up & right to a good sloper. Exit on jugs.

 Über Huck, V7 V7

  • P1
  • Hueco V7

 Tension, V5 V5

  • P1
  • Hueco V5

A real low ball. Start at the extreme right end of the low lip, feet under the roof. Traverse left along the slopey lip & finish by rolling up onto the slab using the monster jug.

 Tension Extension, V6 V6

  • P1
  • Hueco V6

 Crème, V3 V3

  • P1
  • Hueco V3

The low slopey arête. Sit start, make a big move up & right to the remnants of a sloper. Rock left to a good hold then exit up the slab. Easy now the sloper is a jug.

 Crema, V6 V6

  • P1
  • Hueco V6

Start as for Crème. After the first move, match the arête & traverse right under the tree to the base of the hanging red groove. Exit up the groove on edges & big fat slopers.
