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Sawn Off Roof 18

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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Operations
1 1Deviation, V3 V3 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V3

Start sitting, matched on a small sloping edge. Traverse left on funky holds, passing under the tree, then mount the bulge and exit into the sunlight.

2 2War of the Worlds, V5 V5 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V5

A direct start to Deviation. Sit start on the low prow and use whatever you can to climb the bulge. It gets a star because the crux sloper is a nice hold. The rest is poo. Maybe V6.

3 3Frippery, V3 V3 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V3

Traverse out from the middle of the back wall of the roof and exit as for Deviation. A sit start in the middle of the wall bumps the grade to V6.

4 4Conundrum, V8 V8 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V8

Start as for Sawn Off. Climb up and right to join Frippery, probably using a gaston and other holds in the crack. Crimpy and (according to Ivan) easier for shorties.

5 5Sawn Off, V6 V6 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V6

Start on some good finger jugs at the back of the low roof. Gain a couple of reasonable edges in the middle of the roof and then slap for the lip. Regrettably a few extra holds have materialised in recent times, offering less burly (and less aesthetic) sequences.

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