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Black Wall Boulder 1

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The bulbous dark wall on the northern end of the Bronx Cave Boulder.

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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Operations
17 17Black Out, V9 V9 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V9

A worthy eliminate. Sit start with left hand in the diagonal crack. Pull up to the next diagonal crack then move along way left to a small gaston. Lock this, put your foot high & crank up to a small edge in the seam. From here follow a series of edges left and up to the lip.

18 18Black Wall, V5 V5 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V5

1.18 Black Wall V5 ** Climb the centre of the wall to a good edge. Make a long move left and exit around the arete. A sit start (starting as for Black Out) seems to make it V6.

19 19Kali, V5 V5 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V5

Start as for Black Wall but exit up and right (watch for loose holds). Again, the sit start goes at around V6.

20 20Noir Désir, V9 V9 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V9

Sit start right of Black Wall. Pull up to the right hand crescent-shaped gaston (which sadly has been enlarged by unnecessary ‘cleaning’). Crank left to the good edge in the middle of the wall (crux), match and exit as for Kali.

21 21Backup, V0 V0 0m

  • P1
  • Hueco V0

Around to the right, past the tree is a poxy wall climb, starting in the hole.

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