Only Roadside and River Wall are open for climbing.
Leaning Buttress
Bayley Road is open for a trial period. Log in to see access conditions.
Flush with enthusiasm due to the red hot redevelopment going on at New Wall LHS, Bryce came down to put up something new. A route was spotted, a rope was slung, and Bryce disappeared over the top to clean it. The enthusiasm evaporated the lower he got down the cliff, so that by the bottom he was looking somewhat dejected.
"You know, that's going to be quite hard"
With that he wandered away down to hill to look for something new. Ten minutes later he was back bursting with enthusiasm again.
"I've found a new crag, it needs no cleaning!"
and with that, he was gone.
From New Wall LHS, walk down the hill past 'Jubilation Crack' toward the stream. On reaching the fence, look over it. 'Leaning Butress' is the craglet in front of you, 50 odd metres away, facing 'Monday Wall'.
As 'Leaning Buttress' is opposite 'Monday Wall', access from the car park is pretty much the same. From River Wall follow the farm track along the river to a set of double gates. If there is no maize crop, head through the gates and bear rightish up the slope until 'New Wall' comes into view in front of you. Walk through the gates close to the base of 'New Wall LHS', into the paddock containing 'Monday Wall'. 'Leaning Buttress' is opposite 'Monday Wall', in the paddock up the hill, beside 'New Wall LHS'.