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Surfside Wall

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From the beach walk up the path and about half way along the island on the left, there is vague access path leading down to the rocky shore, where the bushline breaks. Here is the Surfside wall, with a flavour distinctly different than the other areas in Tauranga. Gone are the jugs, it's slabby routes with a definite sea crag feel. The rock is a little bit crumbly in places but there are some worth while routes here and it's well worth a visit if even just for a change of atmosphere. Bring your togs.
Walking back towards the beach there is an arete split by a crack (18),this traditionally protected route was sent by Simon Vallings in 1983.To the left of this arete are some easy lines including a grade 10 routesoloed by Emma.

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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Alert Operations
5 5Kafkaesque, 25 25 0m

  • P1
  • 25

The left most route on the face, starts from the shared belay ledge, climbing up and over the bulge. Not for the faint hearted.

 Metamorphose, 18 18 0m

  • P1
  • 18

The groove directly right of 'Kafaesque'. Easier, unprotected moves lead to the groove with faint crack past a horizontal break. Belay off trees.

6 6Between a Rock and a Wet Place, 17 17 0m

  • P1
  • 17

"17 my anus!" - quipped one visiting climber. A good intro to the Surfside style.Scramble to the belay ledge and taste the goodness.

7 7A Friend Indeed, 15 15 0m

  • P1
  • 15

The left route in the chalky gully.

9 9Jumping Johnny, 19 19 0m

  • P1
  • 19

Takes the right most line in the gully then moves out right on to the ledge and up to the crux. DBC anchor, if the left crack is used it goes at grade 17.

9 9Strange Complement, 22 22 0m

  • P1
  • 22

The face route through the bulge. Possibly the best line at this wall, athroughly engaging outing.

 Description of a Struggle, 26 26 0m

  • P1
  • 26

The steep route, on the arete to the right of 'Strange Complement'. Ahold has broken off at the crux, making this tough at the grade.

 Pickpocket, 23 23 0m

  • P1
  • 23

The face route to the left of 'With a Pocketful of Nuts'.

10 10With a Pocketful of Nuts, 15 15 0m

  • P1
  • 15

The bolted route in the shady corner. Climb up the corner before moving right to an anchor visible from the ground.
