First ascent
Scotty Standen, Matias Petris, Mal Haksins, August 2004
Located on
The middle of the right leaning ice columns on the black triangular face to the right of the grotto. Walk up the creek/gully toward Welcome to the Jungle and spear off into the bush. Climbed in a spirit of mad adventure after a late walk in from the road. P1. Jump straight into the vertical world on the first 10m! After this the route eases off and narrows down until a broad ledge is reached which makes an excellent belay ledge. (other routes are possible from this ledge to both the right and left). P2. Up the rounded flow and onto the fin of ice until you reach a short shallow gully. Continue up easy ice until a suitable belay position is reached. This route may continue up the gully on alpine ice in certain conditions.
- P1
- 120m