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Grade 2 200 metres From the top of the lifts at Mt Olympus ski area, ski through a basin to the north, which contains a tarn in summer. A snow ramp is then seen ascending to the right (as you look at the slope), which is a convenient way to access the flattish ridge at around 967795. Sidle the north-western slopes of this peak by initially ascending the west ridge to around 2000m elevation. Either continue NE towards an 1800m col and gentle slopes at the head of the Ryton Valley, or descend into the Ryton SE from point 1974 where the slopes steepen as they descend. An alternative way to access the mid Ryton Valley is via “The Sphinx”, a col at 1920m, grid ref 973789, very obvious from window of the Mt Olympus main lodge. Traverse across to the east from the top of the lifts until directly under the Sphinx and climb on foot straight up 160 metres or so to the col. From there SE-facing slopes lead down to the floor of the Ryton Valley. In good snow cover it is possible to ski all the way down the Ryton to “Coach Corner” at 1000m elevation on the access road (grid ref 969757). The last few km may not have much snow on the valley sides, but an old farm track usually holds enough snow to allow ski or snowboard travel. ACCESS: Please note that the Ryton valley is private property and has recently changed ownership (2022). It is no longer acceptable to tour through the Ryton valley from a starting point other than Mt Olympus ski area and essential to check with skifield operations before touring outside of the area boundaries.

Michael Eatson

Does this access agreement mean that touring from the Cragieburn range ski areas to Mt Olympus ski area (ie Cragieburn Haute Route) is no longer acceptable?

Mon, 30/05/2022 - 11:34 Permalink
content_editor administrator

In reply to by Michael Eatson

It does put it into question. My understanding is the access issue is more around entering/exiting the Ryton valley area from the road/farm track, rather than the skifield. So a haute route starting or finishing at Mt Olympus might be fine, but best to check with the skifield, as they will have the best information.

Wed, 01/06/2022 - 15:13 Permalink
James Broadbent