The next routes are to the right of a bushy gully which can be descended.
Reference | Title | Grade | Length | Pro | Quality | Alert | Operations |
Darrans Training, 12 | 12 | ||||||
Start in the obvious, short crack left of The Lonely Sea And The Sky. No Fixed anchor. Be aware of a very rare shrub in the gully. Climbed 3/12/13 but I assume it has been climbed before. First ascent unknown. |
The Lonely Sea And The Sky, 18 | 18 | ||||||
Short wall to the right of the descent gully, about two metres left of the arête. Being a soloed route, it probably has no protection. |
PC | PCIs The Pope A Catholic?, 19 | 19 | 1 |
On the arête at the edge of the gully. Boulder to the bolt with chain links on small holds and climb past to easier ground with wire protection. Move left into the scoop, then back right to finish at the next route's anchor rings. |
WG | WGWYSIWYG, 23 | 23 | 4 |
Start on the right side of the arête just left of “Scott Free”. Climb the right side of the arête past four bolts to belay as for Scott Free. There is a rest on the arête by the third bolt and you could bail out from here (but you would be cheating). |
SF | SFScott Free, 22 | 22 | 4 |
Start just right of the arête and about five metres left of the fence. Climb over the initial roof, then up the wall to finish slightly right into a left-facing corner. The top bolt is hidden above the bulge. Four bolts and anchor rings. |
FP | FPFriends In High Places, 23 | 23 | |||||
An obvious right-leaning crack about five metres left of the fence, by a seepage. Awkward moves off the ground lead up to the first roof. Over the roof into the groove above and up to the second roof. Move out right to the arête and climb the crack above to the chockstone. Exit up steep grass to a two ring anchor. Natural protection. |
RJ | RJRestorative Justice, 18 | 18 | 12m | 5 |
Goes to the right hand side of the quake scar, in the area where Rough Justice used to be. Start on right side of rubble pile. Move rightwards onto ledge, then move upwards past faint crack and upwards to double rap station. |
TJ | TJTough Justice, 21 | 21 | 3 |
Climb through a small roof on the right side of the wall and up the wall to a ledge. Continue easily to finish as for Rough Justice with one or two cams. Three bolts. |
RF | RFRide My Face, 17 | 17 | 15m | 2 |
Start at the left side of a vegetated corner. Climb leftward past a bolt and up to the second bolt. A biggish cam protects the finish. Has its own DBA. |
Right of the Greens, 18 | 18 | 4 |
companion climb on R of grassy gully. 4 bolts on cracked wall to DBA |
KC | KCKerry's Climb, 21 | 21 | 5 |
Bulging prow right of the gully, with hard pulling on small holds past the first bolt to a large jug. Climb left of the second bolt and then up the arete right of the third. Join the top of Chicane Licken, where a wire may provide reassurance for the finish. to either previous anchor or take larger wires to exit crack on R to DBA |
CL | CLChicane Licken, 18 | 18 | 1 |
Just right. Traverse right under the overhang; then place wires and move up to the bolt with crux moves leftward and up to a ledge. Finish up the corner. Anchor at the Kerry's Climb bolts. |
AS | ASApplying for Superann, 19 | 19 | 7 |
7 bolts to DBA climb wall and thin crack and over overhang on the R(easier on L as for next climb). Finish to L from the ledge |
In You Endo, 17 | 17 | 2 |
Start in the centre of the wall beside a bush, where a thin crack curves up to a round pod. Direct to the pod (place wires), then nice moves into the round pod. Move left onto the wall, through a small roof then step left onto a ledge, and climb the final headwall with one bolt. just left.Easy pull over to start then cams and wires to a pod. Bolt instead of peg protects section of poor rock. Then good pro to bolts on R of ledge to DBA |
HO | HOHippocratic Oaf, 17 | 17 | 2 |
Start beside a bush just right of In You Endo, then right to a bolt on the edge of a scoop. Move back left under the roof to the right edge of the round pod, then straight up the groove past another bolt. Easy finish with natural protection. Anchor at a large boulder or the next route's ring hangers. |
VL | VLThe Vertical Limit, 20 | 20 | 0m | 2 |
From the right edge of the bush move up and clip the first bolt, step left, and climb straight over a bulge to a ledge. Layback past the last bolt to finish, with anchors to the left. Originally a Calum Hudson project. |
Wardrobe Malfunction, 19 | 19 | 2 |
A lot of fuss over very little. 2 bolts of its own, one on VL and some pro. Grooved arête between Vertical Limit and Michael is Janet. |
MJ | MJMichael Is Janet, 17 | 17 | 1 |
Start 3-4 metres right of Hippocratic Oaf, on the right edge of the wall. Up the right-trending slabby groove following the crack, cross the overlap, clip the bolt and climb left and up (crux), then follow the weakness (tie off a knob, or run it out), trending left to finish. One bolt, sling, and wire. Anchor as for previous route. |
4 | 4Johns Climb, 9 | 9 | 4 |
Right of Michael Is Janet is this route for partners, kids or beginner friends. |
HM | HMHypocritical Mass, 15 | 15 | 15m | 5 |
On the left side of the small buttress, Right of the descent gully. Start up the black slab, then climb through the short steep wall, veer ight past the last bolt to the 98AO rap station. |
98 | 9898 All Out, 14 | 14 | 3 |
Further right is a slab and buttress to commerate the Boxing Day Test Day 1. 3 bolts and 2 chains up the centre of the buttress. |
157 | 157157/0, 12 | 12 | 5 |
4 bolts up the arete. Direct start to first bolt is 15, or traverse leftwards at top bolt to use 98AO anchor. |
Un-named, 23 | 23 | ||||||
The next groove. A hard start leads to easy climbing. |
Spare Rib, 23 | 23 | 4 |
Starts just left of the old fence line. From the left, boulder up the wall to the first bolt. Climb through the roofs using the arête on the right and pull onto the head wall to a rest. Move right along the break and climb the exposed arête. Finish up easy rock to a single bolt well back from the edge. Four bolts. |
Spirit Of Free Enterprise, 25 | 25 | 5 |
About one metre right of the fence, through a series of roofs. Start below and right of the first bolt, move up to good holds (awkward), then steep climbing past the second and third bolts leads to a long reach to pass the third roof, thus gaining a standing position in a left-facing capped corner at the fourth bolt. Move left to the rib and finish up easy ground to a single bolt anchor. Five bolts. |
Spirit Of Adventure, 24 | 24 | 5 |
Starts about two metres right of the fence and climbs a series of roofs. Start below and left of the first bolt and gain a standing position on the blunt rib, then move up the steep groove on poor holds (awkward). Climb under the roof to the lip, then up the final groove over a loose block to easy climbing and the anchor above. Five bolts. |
Whacked Up, 18 | 18 | 2 |
Climb Rough Justice to the roof, place a wire, and move left under the roof past two bolts to the arete. Easy climbing with cams to the anchor. |
Rough Justice, 17 | 17 | ||||||
Sidles the roof seven metres right of the fence. Start just right of the bottomless corner and climb the wall past a bolt to the corner; then move rightward under the huge roof. Climb through the notch at the edge of the roof and straight up the overhanging wall above with good natural protection to anchor rings. |
Looks like there's a couple of new lines between restorative justice and tough justice. Maybe 17-18ish purely because I can't onsight anything much harder.
updates from John Entwisle