This is the section of cliff-line facing west, closest to the Mt Pleasant Spur Right Cliff, and extending along to a large cave inhabited by pigeons. The main focus for those seeking the harder routes.
Reference | Title | Grade | Length | Pro | Quality | Alert | Operations |
ES | ESEndless Summer, 21 | 21 | 5 |
Staunch pulling over the roof and up the arête at the left end of The Alcove. Head left for a start, then clip the first bolt and move right to the arête and up. Climb the easy face to a steepening exit beside the bush, with surprisingly tricky moves on the slopers to top out. Five bolts and anchor rings. |
Half Breed, 20 | 20 | 0m | 5 |
Hard pulling to get through the roof, joining Endless Summer after the third bolt. |
TS | TSTropical Storm, 22 | 22 | 6 |
Fairly easy for the grade. Starts up the left-leading weakness through the roof on the left side of The Alcove. Follow three bolts leftward and then pull over the roof on good holds into a shallow groove with a bridging rest. Steepening finish, with the best holds leading left. Use the anchors of one of the adjacent routes. |
Same Old Boring BS, 22 | 22 | 6 |
Better than the name suggests. Six bolts. A central finish between the two earlier options to the Tropical Storm anchors. |
PR | PRIt Is Pointless To Resist, 22 | 22 | 7 |
Climb leftward through the roof as for the previous route, and then move right about two metres and climb a corner over a small roof, heading left to ring hanger anchors. Seven bolts. |
Nor West Arch, 26 | 26 | 8 |
Start as for Tropical Storm, but at the third bolt hand traverse rightward along the lip of the roof till you reach Skunk 2, and lower off its third bolt. Eight bolts. |
It Is Pointless To Resist Direct Start, 25 | 25 | 15m | 6 |
A direct start with two extra bolts, plus one from Nor West Arch. |
RSS | RSSReal Slim Shady, 25 | 25 | 15m | 6 |
Starts directly in front of the large boulder. Straight-forward moves on good holds past the first bolt, followed by some large reaches on smallish holds through the overhang. Continue over the lip where the third bolt intersects with Nor West Arch. Finish up the arête above. Six bolts, with an optional small cam placement between fourth and fifth. Shares anchors with Skunk 2. |
Deep Impact, 27 | 27 | 3 |
Another powerful route climbing the roof to join Nor West Arch. Continue up either of the routes above to finish on top of the crag. Three bolts. Tony Burnell, 2001. |
S | SSkunk, 21 | 21 | 0m | 3 |
Climb the right-leaning weakness past two bolts to the last bolt of the Nor West Arch traverse. Pull past it on the right to gain a rest in the crack above, which takes larger wires. Then move to the left crack and climb to the top of the pillar, with good cams. Steep climbing on good holds to finish, and move left to the anchors. Better than the name suggests. Double ring anchor. |
DL | DLA Dog's Life, 22 | 22 | 5 |
Pull hard through the overhang past two bolts, then move rightward, clipping the third bolt from a good hold in the base of the groove to the left. Step right and power on up the prow, moving left to the fifth bolt and a positive exit. Five bolts and anchors. John Iseli, 2000. |
Spatial Thing, 24 | 24 | 6 |
Left finish from Panda Monium's third bolt. Six bolts in total. Use Panda Monium's anchors. Richard Kimberley, 2001. |
PM | PMPanda Monium, 25 | 25 | 5 |
Above an overgrown block is this route up a steeply overhanging wall . Simon Middlemass set it up, but Jeff did it not realising it was a first ascent mistaking it for another route not that there were many there then!!. Jeff Shrimpton, 1993. |
YG | YGYorkshire G(r)it, 26 | 26 | 0m | 5 |
A line of right-trending bolts finishing up an overhanging bulge. Start two metres right of Panda Monium and move up; then traverse right along a ledge to the second bolt before moving left to a large undercling. Thin holds lead to a traverse past the third bolt and then up to bigger holds. After losing a hold, this route is harder than when first climbed. Shares anchors with the next route. |
Peak Plonkers, 25 | 25 | 5 |
Close to YG but good independent climbing. Carefully pull over the roof above the track on funky holds. Clip the 2nd bolt of YG then crimp up the groove on its right. Then there are three more bolts and larger holds. Tony Ward-Holmes, 2001. |
HH | HHHushpuppy Hitched, 26 | 26 | 15m | 5 |
Climb from the alcove right of Peak Plonkers through the left side of a large roof. Slightly left after the fifth bolt under some large blocks to gain the anchors. Five bolts. Perry Logan, 2000. |
SW | SWSilence Of The Wombats, 28 | 28 | 15m | 4 |
Climb past a large pod and over a flat roof to a headwall, tending left. Four bolts. Sefton Priestley, 2000. |
GWH | GWHThe Great White Wombat Hunt, 27 | 27 | 15m | 5 |
Climbs the obvious big corner / roof. Traverse right under the roof, into the V niche, then trend left and up to chain anchors. Five bolts. Richard Kimberley, 2000. |
Sport for All, 26 | 26 | 5 |
Start by climbing up through the gas pockets where Zimmer Frame goes right. Move left to the good hold and the third bolt on Wombat. Continue straight up (where Wombat goes left) up then right to the lip. Mantle on to the top and belay as for Zimmer. Tony Burnell. |
ZOB | ZOBThe Zimmerframe Owner Strikes Back, 28 | 28 | 5 |
Now 28 - until Vaughan glues the hold back on. Very steep route with glued holds two metres right. Climb past five bolts up a steeply overhanging wall to abseil chains. Originally a project by Matt Evrard. Richard Kimberley, 1999. |
WSC | WSCWall Street Crumble, 26 | 26 | 0m | 5 |
Another couple of metres right with even more glued holds. Good moves though. Above the bulge finish straight up. |
Thin Links Finish, 23 | 23 | 0m | 6 |
Climb Mt Pleasant Butcher and after mantling onto the ledge head left to join the top of Wall Street Crumble. |
MPB | MPBMt Pleasant Butcher, 24 | 24 | 14m | 6 |
The last route through the roof. A short capped corner gives access to the roof. Go straight over the top bulge, clipping if you have strength to burn. Once at the headwall bolt traverse off directly right to the last move and anchors of Weet-bix Kids. Six bolts. Tony Burnell, 1999. |
WK | WKWeet-bix Kids, 23 | 23 | 14m | 5 |
Skirts the right side of the roof. Difficult start on slopey holds. Climb the shallow groove to a small roof, then left to gain a standing position on the ledge. Finish up the steep crumbly wall to a large ledge and lowering anchors. Five bolts. |
Weet-bix Suction, 24 | 24 | 5 |
Climb Weet-bix kids to the third bolt, then climb into the last two bolts of Liposuction. 23/24ish? Better than going left and doing the top of the butcher.
L | LLiposuction, 23 | 23 | 12m | 3 |
First route of the "modern" development of Britten.Deceptively steep wall just left of the cave. A nut or large wire can be used at the start climbing onto the protruding nose Straight up the wall to a good hold left of the third bolt, then rightward to the chains just above the lip on the right. |
TB | TBThorn Bird, 25 | 25 | 12m | 3 |
Start 1½ metres right in a short corner. Hard moves onto a ledge, then shuffle left and clip the second bolt. Straight up the wall with a series of dynamic moves to finish on a ledge above and right of the Liposuction anchors at a single lowering bolt at the back of the ledge. |
MP | MPWhat Mad Pursuit, 24 | 24 | 12m | 4 |
On the left side of the pigeon cave. Follow four bolts up an ever steepening wall and across the top roof on better holds than you might expect. Use Mutilation's anchors. |
WM | WMWave Of Mutilation, 22 | 22 | 12m | 4 |
On the left side of the cave. Four bolts lead directly up an overhanging wall with a capping roof to conclude at double anchor rings. There is a squating rest on the pillar halfway up. |
Bird Lime, 23 | 23 | 14m | 7 |
Starts below a shallow groove to the right of Wave Of Mutilation. Climb the groove past two bolts to the pigeon shit cave. From the left side of the cave swing out and right to a good hold and a bolt. Keep moving up and through the roof rightward past the final bolt to finish through a notch, finally moving over the top to a belay station. Seven bolts. |
Lime Hill, 23 | 23 | 4 |
A steep line between ‘Bird Lime’ and ‘Noisy Neighbour’; start below and left of the first bolt, rock-over into the scoop and first bolt, continue straight up past the 2nd BR to good holds in a shallow corner, go dynamically right to a good hold and the 3rd BR. Up again to a good hold (4th bolt) now head up and out left to the belay of ‘Bird Lime’. |
NN | NNNoisy Neighbour, 22 | 22 | 13m | 4 |
Start up U Haul to the first bolt, but move left to another bolt, then blast up the wall past two more bolts on improving holds. Can also be started by bouldering to the first bolt directly. Use the U-Haul anchors. |
UH | UHU Haul, 20 | 20 | 11m | 3 |
Very steep route following a groove and crack line rightward, on the right side of the cave. Technically easy but you need a certain amount of strength. Three bolts and anchor bolts. |
DL | DLDisco Logic, 23 | 23 | 11m | 5 |
The left side of the arête. Start slightly left, moving right past the second bolt and then up. Five bolts and two anchor rings. |
TR | TRThe Rimmer, 28 | 28 | |||||
Lh Traverse. Starts as for Disco Logic and circles leftwards & up wards using top bolt of NN and going left across the top regions of Thorn Bird finishing at top of Mt Pleasant Butcher |
The New New Thing, 22 | 22 | 3 |
The right-most route in the cave area, a couple of metres right of Disco Logic. Starts under an overhang on good crimpers. A long reach left of the first bolt leads to sustained climbing all the way to the top. Three bolts, shares Disco Logic's anchors. |
What's with the terrible new glue job on the butcher?