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South/West Side

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Walk round past the Pine trees and broken ground to a 30m long wall with some obvious natural lines. Continue around past pine trees to the South-West facing wall

South West
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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Operations
 Crispy corner, 16 16

  • P1
  • 16
  • Trad

Obvious corner around from Miss Kitty.. Bouldery start leads to excellent climbing up corner. Good protection. Belay at top using sling on tree and 1.5 friend. Craig Smith 1/98

 Miss Kitty, 17 17

  • P1
  • 17
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Start 3m left of Naval. Lay back start up to ledge with knob. Climb right side of sharp arete till 1/2 height and step around and up left-hand side. Natural belay at top. Tony Billing

 Naval, 20 20 5

  • P1
  • 20
  • 5

Start at obvious pocket, up left or straight. Follow bolts on RH side from bolt #3. Bolt belay at top. 5B. Tony Billing 2/98

 Rush hour, 18 18

  • P1
  • 18
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Up right side of barrel shaped rock and place friend in crucial pocket to protect exposed step left to easier ground. Gain the large right facing corner which steepens up at the at top. A bold lead on natural pro.A direct start has been added from the left near Naval. Tony Billing 1/98

 Glimmer, 19 19 4

  • P1
  • 19
  • 4
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Move up a bouldery start at the protruding foot to step out onto hanging slabby face. Exit up chimney at top to good belay using sling on tree and large hex or #3 Friend. 4 bolts plus medium sized cam behind flake at top. Craig Smith 2/98

 Exceeding the quota, 19 19

  • P1
  • 19
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Start at solid slab with overhanging curved corner on left. Up slab and follow faint corner in face, finishing on large holds up the headwall to the right of Glimmer.TR not led yet.To be bolted. Craig Smith 2/98

 Right brain, 17 17

  • P1
  • 17
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Start left of smallish pine tree and head up staying right to avoid choss till you gain offwidth crack. Tony Billing 2/98
