A very attractive 4-5 pitch wall. The rock varies from excellent to choss.
The corner in the center of the face as you walk towards the wall is unclimbed.
Several other good looking 3-4 pitch lines are unclimbed, left of Walking the Plank.
Four pitches. Walk past the arête left hand side of the
wall and start up the small clean chimney. Either side of
this line are two grassy cracks. Continue up and belay
in the base of a right facing corner. Traverse out and
right aiming for the arête. From here you should be at
the base of an overhanging loose roof. Exciting climbing
through the roof then slab above for a full 60m. One
more easier pitch takes you to the top of the route. Either
walk back down and around or continue up and top
out via Queens Drive and a route on the south face of
Single Cone or Double Cone.