Scramble up right from the far end of the Chakrata Wall. The routes have been rebooted in recent times but don't see a lot of traffic so may be overgrown and/or in disrepair. Routes are from left to right as you first encounter them.
North East
Reference | Title | Grade | Length | Pro | Quality | Alert | Operations |
Ev | EvElevator, 23 | 23 | 9m | 3 |
A fingery classic. Climb trough to the bolts after a delicate mantle onto the thin ledge.
Rn | RnRen, 25 | 25 | 8m | 3 |
Start well L with thin technical moves up through 2B, then traverse across to the 3rd B.
Sy | SyStimpy, 19 | 19 | 8m | 3 |
Start as far L as you can and head gradually L through 3B, to step R again onto a ledge with a small tree. Climb through the crux into the ramp above without using the tree or the gully to the L. Contrived??