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Sealy Pass

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E.P. Sealy first crossed this pass in 1869 descending to Scone Creek.

POINT (170.55433273 -43.42319072)
BX17 020 893

Ascend easy snow slopes to the pass. This is the best route from the Godley Valley to Westland.

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 Scone Creek to Sealy Pass

  • P1

From the Scone Creek footbridge, a DOC marked route leads up the true left of the Scone to a second bridge. Above here, travel gravitates to the streambed. In the upper valley, follow the true left around under the walls of McKinnon Peak. Stony travel leads on up to the narrow lake, also traversed on the true left. Be aware of loose stones from above. The route leads easily over pt 1838m and down a gully due south at I35 122506, away from the icefall draining the Neish Plateau, to reach the lower Godley Glacier. EP Sealy first crossed this pass in 1869, descending into Scone Creek. TN Brodrick, LC Sladden, C Moore, J Grimwood, J Blair, a Govt survey party, left a cairn on the pass in 1888. GE Mannering, MH Lean, JW Annan, in February 1892 crossed the pass but retreated from the scrub in the Perth when Lean became injured in a fall.

 MAIN DIVIDE from Sealy Pass to Perth Col

  • P1

Peaks accessed from Scone Creek or the Bettison offer some very pleasant days on not technically difficult mountains in isolated country provided the weather is right. Further north along the Main Divide interesting transalpine routes exist through the basins and in good conditions there is the potential for very capable and equipped climbing parties to continue right through to Perth Col and the Gardens, though to my knowledge this has not been done. Above the upper Perth the Main Divide is bordered by high greasy north facing walls of dark greywacke over which wispy streams trickle and float in the bluffs. It is an impressive, desolate and inspiring sight. Along this section of the Divide, check information provided on climbs of any relevant peaks from the Havelock and Clyde as well.

Alex Palaman, Yvonne Cook and Geoff Spearpoint,
in association with the Canterbury Mountaineering Club