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Trapdoor Cliff

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The section of cliff to the right of the Thrutch chimney.

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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Operations
 Pedestal, 16 16

Start up a steep groove below a broadleaf, or two metres right, to the large
sloping ledge. Then up a thin crack to a horizontal break; some pro possible.
Lindsay Main '97

 Trapdoor, 12 12

Six metres right of Wasp, up a clean corner that divides the cliff and over
the broom; then right at the top on a slab to skirt the overhang with an
exposed move to finish. Some pro.

 Pepper-pot, 17 17

Start as for Trapdoor and climb the corner with protection from the crack on
the right. Place pro in slots over the bulge and move right; then step left
on to the slab.  Joe Arts '98

 Treadmill, 12 12

Two metres right of Trapdoor, up an inclined corner tending slightly right to
exit up a wide crack at the top. Lindsay Main '72

 Fusilier, 13 13

Takes a crack up the right side of the cliff over some large flakes. Good
pro. Lindsay Main '79

 Mercenary, 12 12

Between this cliff and Exhibition Wall is this wide undercut chimney with
several broom bushes. Steep bridging through the roof, then it's
easy.  Phil Stuart-Jones '97

 Blackbeard, 16 16 0m

  • P1
  • 16
  • Trad

Start a metre right at a small broken corner. Up to a small ledge below an overlap, and pull through on good small holds. Rather dirty but good pro.

 Dicey, 19 19 0m

  • P1
  • 19
  • Trad

There is a displaced Castle Hill-style boulder problem on the left of the large bulging cube. Start on small holds followed by an awkward mantle at the lip of the roof. From the ledge move right and up. No pro, don't land on the rocks.

 Wasp, 19 19 0m

  • P1
  • 19
  • Trad

Crack right of the Thrutch chimney. There is a direct start on the wall below, though most people start as for Thrutch and bash through the vege. Then climb the overhanging crack.
