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Mt Cheeseman to Mt Enys Traverse

Located on

The ridgeline immediately south of Mt Cheeseman has a few rocky outcrops which interrupt progress, so drop into the upper Ryton for 150 vertical metres or so and regain the ridge near point 1959. Continue south along the ridge crest to Mt Izard (2019m), and Mt Cloudsley (2107m). From here to the summit of Mount Enys (2194m) the ridge is broader with easier travel. 8½km or around 3–4 hours from the peak of Mt Cheeseman to Mt Enys.
Skiing off Mt Cheeseman to the south-east takes you into the headwaters of Waterfall Creek for a ski descent of 500 metres or more. Similar basins exist to the south-east of Mt Izard (Long Creek) and Mt Cloudsley (Whitewater Stream). The climb back to the ridge should be straightforward. The slopes on the western side of the range, facing into the lower Ryton Valley, are often wind-blasted free of snow, or melted by the heat of the sun, and are usually only worth skiing in good mid winter conditions. Best travel is along the ridgeline, and if necessary sidling on the eastern side.

  • P1
  • 900m

James Broadbent