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Three Steps to Methven
Starts directly beneath large overhangs.
(17, 50m) Follows obvious right trending flake system to a large ledge.
First 5 meters is loose and dusty but the protection is solid. -
(18, 45m) Pull through steep bulge off the ledge and trend left up corner
to a ledge. Continues directly up left facing corner (ballnuts, microcams)
using small incut edges. Glorious committing climbing. -
(15, 50m). A long left-traversing exploratory pitch, before reaching a
small overlap with a good belay ledge above. Plenty of scope for variation. -
(14, 30m) Straight up corner, gradually easing to scrambling.
Protection: Excellent: Camalots (#00- #4), 1 set of Wires. Ball-nuts (1 & 2).
2x 55m ropes.
Descent: 4 rappels (upto 55m), all bollards. Used approximately 6 meters of
- P1
- 18
- Trad