Updated 15 January 2025, by Richard Thomson.
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Permission is required to cross private land. Log in for contact details.
Start just left of the ridge : scramble up a gully to a small left-facing corner opposite a prominent corner with a chimney. About four pitches of steep climbing, then a scramble to the summit of Cloudy Peak. Alternatively, traverse right and descend scree.
Outstanding alpine adventure. Wildly underrated. First few pitches have a number of options and great rock. Easy if you know how to jam! Then consistent engaging climbing with the main ridge crest mostly scramble-able after 3-4 pitches. Only the odd spot forces a detour (usually chossy) or re-use of the rope (slow). Often excellent rock with fun moves over bulges and up short splitter cracks. A small rack of finger - hand size cams and a few wires would suffice.