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Mt Williams

Part of
POINT (171.62708759 -42.9610708)
BY15 498 416
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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Operations
 From Mid Mingha River, 1 1

  • P1
  • Alpine (Technical) 1

Reached from the mid Mingha River, by climbing (bashing) the steep bushy spur almost opposite the southern end of the Dudley Knob track. This route joins the Mt Williams North Ridge near a prominent buttress. Mt Williams is an easy climb from here.

 From Edwards Hut, 1 1

  • P1
  • Alpine (Technical) 1

An easy climb from Williams Saddle near the Edwards Hut. Williams Saddle is gained by climbing the tussock/scree slope opposite Edwards Hut, aiming for the gap between the two prominent rock buttresses then sidling to the saddle.

 Gunbarrel Scree, 2 2

  • P1
  • Alpine (Technical) 2

Approached via the long, very steep, dangerous, scree chute just downstream of the East Edwards River confluence. This chute is known locally as the Gunbarrel Scree. A quick observation of the riverbed should leave you in no doubt as to why! Climb the scree upwards and southwards into a narrow gut joining the saddle between the two peaks. Both summits can be climbed on rotten rock from this point. Wear a helmet, and keep looking up! A dangerous route.

 South West Ridge, 2+,II 2+,II

Climb the South West Ridge from the Mingha–Edwards confluence onto The Spike (1440m). Beyond this, the route was formerly known as the Razorback route onto Mt Williams and it does not disappoint. It includes several very exposed climbs over and around jagged gendarmes, and some loose inclined slab climbs. In winter other joyful obstacles may include a corniced summit cap.

  • P1
  • Alpine (Technical) 2+
  • Alpine (Commitment) II
