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The Gully

Part of

This area is actually just PAST the gully. From Colesseum, head past
Grandstands, past the steep access gully and "whammo," you're there. The
first part of this section is shorth, friendly cliffs, the second bit is a short band of
steep, slopey, HARD lines!

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Reference Title Grade Length Pro Quality Operations
 Karl the Karaka, 18 18 3

  • P1
  • 18
  • 3

Start on the flat boulder at the right end of the short cliff. Cruise up on a cool water feature to a crack and finish at the tree (his name is Karl!) It is actually easier to safety into Karl as you thread the rings to lower off. 3 bolts (DBB)

 Abi in her Bonnet, 19 19 3

  • P1
  • 19
  • 3

This fun line up a crack/ corner finishes with a few interesting, bouldery moves including a thought provoking mantle. It was cleaned and bolted by Abigal Allen but due to a shoulder injury she offered it up as an open project. 3 bolts (DBB).
