About 100m up valley from Rehab Wall is the Lower Slab and about 50m further is the Upper Slab. Routes are 20m to 40m high on steep slabs with small features (bigger features on the lower slab). Belays are all at the top of each crag on bollards and boulders. The upper slab is too long to rap on double ropes.
As descending ridge towards rehab wall turn left and descend yellow gravel slope and cross direct to top of crag. There is a descent ledge cairned leading above the lower slab and finishing at the base of the upper slab. See photo.
Reference | Title | Grade | Length | Pro | Quality | Alert | Operations |
Richard’s Diagonal, 10 | 10 | 25m | |||||
Richard soloed a diagonal traverse from left of the start of 'Golden Years' rising to finish above Philip's Project near the middle of the crag. |
1L | 1LGolden Years, 15 | 15 | 20m | ||||
Near the left of the lower slab climb off triangular plate and trend left up towards a headwall(crux). An alternative finish is to turn the headwall on the left which looks steep but is juggy and protectable. Small cams and mid to large sized wires. belay off bollards around top out gully or climb out of gully to big ledge. |
2L | 2Lproject | ||||||
3L | 3LScary Monster, 15 | 15 | 20m | ||||
climb up the right hand prow just left of "Ugly" |
4L | 4LUgly, 14 | 14 | 20m | ||||
1 | 1Shamed, 14 | 14 | 25m | 1 |
First route as you descend the access route. About 5m left of Mile High which has a bolt on the first bit of slab. Climb up left of the buttress on a series of plates. Then up wall on left of buttress and top out up the upper buttress to many bollards. |
2 | 2Gruber, 15 | 15 | |||||
Climb the left side of the steep wall 4m left of Mile High. Straight up to sharp buttress above and climb its right side then up left side of slab to right side of upper buttress. Bollards on the top. |
3 | 3Mile High | ||||||
4 | 4Mortons, 14 | 14 | 35m | 4 |
Line starts just left of the main upper slab past two bolts then through a juggy overhang. Continue up the slabby rock above to bollards at the top. |
5 | 5New Shoe Blues, 14 | 14 | 35m | 6 |
Start under the outcrop at the left of the slab and climb the line of bolts passing left of the outcrop. Belay off bollards at the top. |
6 | 6Modern Love | ||||||
7 | 7Can You Hear Me Major Tom, 15 | 15 | 35m | 4 |
The line following the slab right through to the top. Four well spaced bolts followed by some trad gear for the top third. Wires and small cams, hexes. |
8 | 8Heroes, 17 | 17 | 35m | 1 |
Climb past the one bolt towards an irregular hole. Continue to left of platy section till you find a big spike on a ledge. Big runout from here up the white slab to the low point of the overlap (microcams). Above this there is a 3 camalot placement(or equivalent) and a 5 to 6 size hex placement to protect the easy finish. |
9 | 9Just For One Day, 18 | 18 | 35m | 2 |
crux is passing the first bolt. Climb up past pockets which take good small cam placements. From plates at mid height climb to second bolt and on up through the steep country above , stepping right to pass the overhangs. |
10 | 10Potions Master, 17 | 17 | 35m | 6 |
follow the line of bolts up the white streak. Finish on trad through the steep stuff left of a prominent offwidth crack. |
11 | 11Will You Still Love Me, 17 | 17 | 35m | 8 |
Climb the plates and features just right of 'Potions Master'. Climb the overhang (staunch) and continue to top through the second overlap. |
13 | 13Slab Happy, 17 | 17 | 35m | 8 |
Climb the set of bolts below a prominent flake. 7 bolts on the slab and one beside the flake. Finish up a little left with protection slinging bollards. Belay at top on boulders/ Bollards. |
12 | 12Station to Station, 17 | 17 | 35m | 7 |
Follow the set of bolts just left of 'Slab Happy'. Climb to top, take some slings for bollards and spikes on the last (easy) moves. Bollards at top to belay. |
14 | 14Lets Dance, 17 | 17 | 35m | 7 |
Starts 2m right of 'Slab Happy' following a series of incuts and flakes to the headwall with nice juggy holds. Crux between bolt 3 and bolt 4. |
15 | 15Space Oddity, 16 | 16 | 35m | 5 |
Next line of bolts from 'Lets Dance'. Finishes up steep headwall on a nice staircase. Finish up second headwall. |
16 | 16Ziggy Stardust, 16 | 16 | 35m | 2 |
Start at the end of the slab, climb up to headwall/bulge, climb through small slab above to the top, scrambling towards the top of 'Space Oddity'. |
17 | 17Shuffle Shoes, 16 | 16 | 50m | ||||
Traverse of entire Upper Bowie Rickman Slab. Start up 'Ziggy Stardust' bolts then follow the obvious line of weakness across the crag. Use bolts from various climbs you cross and some trad needed at end. |
18 | 18Under Pressure | ||||||
19 | 19Fashion | ||||||
20 | 20Blue Caterpillar Smoke | ||||||
21 | 21Ashes to Ashes | ||||||
22 | 22Sun Too Funky, 12 | 12 | |||||