The Intergalactic Wall is currently the most developed crag in the gorge and comprises a good range of difficulty and terrain. The left wall contains excellent face and tufa climbing while the right offers powerful climbing with short, steep routes.
Camping: Space Camp is directly under Apres Moi De Deluge and can sleep around seven people on the dusty ledges. You will need to bring water up from the river as there is no water source at the crag.
Reference | Title | Grade | Length | Pro | Quality | Alert | Operations |
AP | APApollo Thirteen, 22 | 22 | 25m | 10 |
Long 25 route starting to the left of the pillar at the start of Intergalactic Wall. |
NSA | NSANo Smeggin' Atmosphere, 21 | 21 | 30m | 8 |
Either up the chimney/pillar left of Why Bother to the ledge the up the face to the right of Apollo Thirteen. |
WB | WBWhy Bother, 23 | 23 | 30m | 10 |
Climb the excellent yet surprisingly difficult face after mounting the flake.
SC | SCSpace Cadet, 23 | 23 | 30m | 13 |
Excellent long route that has a break in a small cave halfway up. One of the best 'easy' routes on the cliff face.
HM | HMThe Hairy Man, 22 | 22 | 30m | 11 |
One metre to the right of Space Cadet, follows arete up into the cave then exits left. Shares anchor with Cosmonaut Silver Back
CSB | CSBCosmonaut Silver Back, 25 | 25 | 30m | 11 |
Mantle to tenuous face climbing until a rest in the cave then tackle the small roof and exposed pillar to top out.
CO | COCaulli-olli, 24 | 24 | 20m | 8 |
First lower (L1) of Broc-olli (27) at 20m. Technical faint tufa involves smearing. Right of Cosmonaut Silver Back by a few metres. Excellent technical climbing.
BO | BOBroc-olli, 28 | 28 | 35m | 15 |
Pumpy extension to Caulli-olli. Unrepeated as of yet.
SSS | SSSSupersonic Saxaphone, 27 | 27 | 25m | 15 |
Awesome route. Smeary technical slab leads to rest then slightly overhanging tufa climbing pumps and pumps until the finish. One of the best 27s in the country, albeit soft.
MTF | MTFMay The Force, 28 | 28 | 30m | 13 |
The harder version of supersonic saxaphone. Shares intial few bolts then trends right up technical slab to tufas and underclings to finish. Pumpy and difficult. Photo Credit - Bo Hofmans
LUN | LUNLunacy, 25 | 25 | 27m | 10 |
Excellent facey route slightly further along the wall from MTF. Dusty rock doesn't detract from one of the best climbs on the wall.
MES | MESMetric Expansion of Space, 25 | 25 | 25m | 10 |
Sharp crimpy face on the yellow rock to the right of Lunacy, of which it shares the anchors.
CG | CGCosmic Girl, 26 | 26 | 25m | 7 |
Technical face climbing with pockets here and there.
MT | MTMajor Tom, 24 | 24 | 25m | 10 |
Bowie must be played whilst sending. Head from the ground (control) to the top via nice crimps and a few pockets. Excellent climb.
GYR | GYRGyrectomy, 22 | 22 | 20m | 10 |
Pockety start to cool caulifower flow, finishs bridging between to massive tufas. Beware rather sharp.
SC | SCSpace Cowboy, 30 | 30 | 45m | 18 |
The massive epic amazing tufa that spans 45 metres up the centre of the wall. Hard V8 boulder at 30m to easy finish.
MEG | MEGMegalomania, 25 | 25 | 30m | 10 |
The first route bolted at cliff. Easy slab meanders up corner then heads up face on tufas that are delightful to pinch.
MEG EX | MEG EXMegalomania Extension, 28 | 28 | 50m | 17 |
The first route established on the wall proper, bolted by Tom Hoyle in 2009. An extra 20m of epic tufa climbing after the anchors of L1. Crux after anchors then gets easier to the top. Really epic. 50 metres.
ELE | ELEThe Elephant, 26 | 26 | 25m | 10 |
Start up Megalomania but head straight up the large single tufa. Unique climbing
Start up Megalomania but head straight up the large single tufa. Unique climbing |
HGG | HGGHitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, 29 | 29 | 31m | 13 |
To the right of Megalomania, hard slab to good rest in a hole. Tackle the small twin tufa and then run up the mega rad headwall on sustained climbing. "The closest thing to Biographie in Aotearoa."
LH | LHLost Highway, 30 | 30 | 45m | 15 |
Psuedo extension to HGG, after penultimate bolt head left and up into the sustained and engaging headwall. Super rad. Photo Credit Troy Mattingley
PS | PSParadigm Shift, 32 | 32 | 45m | 14 |
Mega rad yo.
TS | TSTuna Sandwhich, 24 | 24 | 30m | 8 |
Starts just to the right of Hitchhikers and continues rightwards to head upwards where the Direct meets the chimney
HH | HHHammerhead, 31 | 31 | 15m | 6 |
V11 compression boulder of the deck into easy topout. 15 metres right of The Lost Highway, follow a path down into space camp, and this the furthest left line on black and white ripples on a steep overhang.
TGW | TGWThe Great White, 29 | 29 | 15m | 7 |
Underclings and difficult moves off the deck that cease once the white 'fin' is reached.
AMD | AMDAprès moi, le déluge, 28 | 28 | 18m | 10 |
"After me, the flood". From Space Camp, snake up a pockety dyke then trend right after crossing a tufa. Great top out. Photo: Paul Bulbon, Lucas Larraman
WM | WMSecret life of Walter Mitty, 22 | 22 | 15m | 6 |
Variations and extension exist. Starts up cool underlcling features then heads left and trends back right to meet at the same anchors as COTU. Up the slope 5 metres from APMD.
COU | COUConquistadors of the Useless, 22 | 22 | 15m | 5 |
Orignal route. Lol. Continues straight up from Walter Mitty through overlaps to finish at the same anchor. Worthwhile.
LOM | LOMLegend in your Own Mind, 25 | 25 | 30m | 10 |
Interesting and cool climbing with a ranges of styles and a bouldery crux. Bolt Estimate
WGH | WGHWalter Gets High, 23 | 23 | 27m | 9 |
Extension to Walter Mitty. Endurance route.
LYC | LYCLycanthrope, 25 | 25 | 18m | 8 |
Werewolves! Continues straight up from the first bold of COTU into a steep overhang on suprisigly good holds to finish on Paynes Ford-esque slopers.
YCT | YCTYou Can't Handle the Tooth, 30 | 30 | 20m | 9 |
Can you handle the tooth. Orthodontists beware. Splits off from LYC out rightwards at 5th bolt into very runout and morpho crux, eases off after that but there is a sting in the tail.
MM | MMMitty-esque, 26 | 26 | 20m | 8 |
To the right of the start of Lycanthrope is a unqiue overhanging route with big moves
MM | MMMoa Method, 24 | 24 | 18m | 8 |
To the right of Mitty-esque is another steep engaging route. Good fun
WLB | WLBWalters Little Brother, 23 | 23 | 12m | 4 |
Further right from Moa Method. Rather short route.
WRH | WRHWalters Right Hand, 24 | 24 | 12m | 4 |
Right hand variant, sharing start and anchor with WLB
TC | TCThe Cobra, 29 | 29 | 40m | 19 |
Extension to Elephant. After tufa ends tackle a bouldery section that leans off to finish at some anchors up and left of the Lost Highway anchors.
BD | BDBedlam, 27 | 27 | 40m | 18 |
Extension to lunacy. After anchors of lunacy embark up a brilliant head wall on nice edges before it slabs over at the top.
Extension to lunacy. After anchors of lunacy embark up a brilliant head wall on nice edges before it slabs over at the top. |
GYRM | GYRMGyrectomania, 25 | 25 | 40m | 18 |
Extension to Gyrectomy. After the anchors Gyrectomy follow the enormous tufa up then go left to squeeze between the two big tufas.