A small but good variety of boulder problems. First ascents are unknown, many were first done by local NZAC members and Aoraki/Ara OE students (Robert Scott to name just one). Many of these climbs were cleaned and established by Sash Nukada in April 2020, and a successful Social Boulder Comp was run in June 2020. Grades are mostly in the VE – V4 range; they were purposely not graded. Think of this as an opportunity to be free from grades and to approach the rock as it presents itself. The wall faces WNW so gets good afternoon sun. A bouldering mat is essential here (lots of ankle breaking terrain) and be super aware of loose rocks/blocks.
Descriptions and close up photos of the boulder climbs, and rules for the Social Bouldering Comp are attached below in a PDF file. Feel free to print and use.
June 2020 update - two sport climbs were added on the arete above 'Today Tomorrow Timaru'.