- P1
Cross the Price Basin stream and climb out east-south-east towards Pahlow Ridge, following tussock leads then passing through a boulder field at 1200–1300 metres. Sidle around the base of a shingle slip at about 1400 metres to a cairn on a rib, and continue to Pahlow Ridge. Descend to where the ridge flattens just before Johanson Peak and drop 40 metres off it to the south. Sidle in tussock across to a stream at the 1240-metre contour (J34 457835 / BW18 357 219). Follow this stream down to the Whitcombe River. There are several easy waterfalls to sidle on the true left in the lower stream. Follow the true left bank of the Whitcombe (and the old track, where you can find it) up to Wilkinson Hut. When travelling in reverse the stream does not look promising looking up from the Whitcombe, but it is marked by a cairn near the river. Remember to take the true left branch halfway up. Time : About 7 hrs